Aligning My Marketing to My Human Design (Sharing The Results!)

Welcome to Episode 2 of the Coded for Clients Series!

I take you behind the scenes of how I align my marketing and client attraction process to my Design and Client Attraction Type.

If you’re wondering what your Human Design says about how to optimally fill your program with less hustle and hours at your desk, book a reading with the link below.

I’ll guide you through your unique design, and how that translates into a fun and effective marketing flow that magnetizes high-caliber clients, speaking invites, and other paid opportunities your way.

Just one session has been enough for coaches to turn sales plateaus into five-figure milestones through alignment over hustle.

I wonder what’s on the other side for you? :)

Use the link to book a session below at the current price.

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Book a Human Design-Client Attraction Reading to hone your uniquely magnetic marketing process that fills your spots without over hustling:

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Show Notes:


Becoming a Paid Podcaster, Coach, and Speaker in the Same Year- Kristin’s Story


You are Coded for More: Welcome to Coded for Client Series!