How March Went From Zero Sales Calls to an $18k WEEK!

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Welcome back to The Liberated Latina Podcast!

Let me be real with you…

Despite what you see on social media, quantum leaps are NOT pretty and cute.

It doesn’t feel “high vibe”.

In fact, from my experience, quantum leaps in my life have been formed after spending some time in the dark.

March was NO different.

Most of the month I was swirling in fear and doubt.

I had just come out of my highest sales month ever…and the 2nd week of March I noticed that there were NO sales calls on my calendar.

My goal of filling my last spots seemed impossible.

In this episode I pull back the curtain and share with you exactly what I did to turn a seemingly "hopeless" situation around and ended the month with an $18k week (and surpassed my quarterly income goal!).

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For complete transparency, Podcast Pro University was gracious in offering lil ole me an affiliate link. Any sales made with my link does grant me a commission. Thanks for supporting me and this show!

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